When hiring a personal assistant, one must focus on their skills and capabilities. Candidates often have diverse backgrounds, but that doesn’t guarantee they’ll be a good match for your needs. Consider asking for references to help you determine the right fit. Personal assistants should be able to work in harmony with your operational behavior.
Take the Initiative and Make Quick Decisions
A good personal assistant, like that of a personal assistant agency Los Angeles, should be able to take the initiative and make quick decisions. They should also have a great deal of industry knowledge and be able to provide well-thought-out solutions. If a PA doesn’t have industry knowledge, they should pursue a course to learn more about the field. Such knowledge will help the PA stay current with the current trends and issues in the industry.
An excellent personal assistant should be pleasant and courteous to their bosses and superiors. They should be able to maintain courtesy under stress, speak clearly, and understand their boss’ needs. They should be able to communicate with senior executives and interpret their body language. Finally, they should be able to keep their boss informed and prevent any unexpected situations from happening.
An excellent personal assistant can manage their office well even when the manager is not there. In addition, they should be able to delegate upwards confidently. This is essential in managing the manager’s workload and time. A good personal assistant should also be able to maintain confidentiality.
Communication Style
A good personal assistant can communicate differently depending on the person they work for. They should be empathic, treat others as humans, and respect their points of view. She should be able to use emotive language and avoid using matter-of-fact language. ISTJs are characterized by a desire to build connections with others and enjoy listening.
A good personal assistant can understand the person she is working for and communicate with them in a way that is effective for both the person and the boss. They should also be able to anticipate what the boss wants and how to convey it to the boss. She should also be able to communicate with senior executives and make sure they understand her boss’s preferences and how they fit into the company’s overall goals.
A personal assistant should be able to communicate effectively with people from all walks of life. She should be able to listen to others, anticipate different needs, and understand different people’s emotions. This person should also be discreet, reliable, and trustworthy.